Children's Ministry
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Sunday School @ 9 a.m. Worship @ 10:15 a.m. Worship @ 5:00 p.m. Wednesday @ 6:30 p.m. |
Current Programs/Initiatives
Sunday School: Currently we have classes for birth to age 2; ages 3-preK; grades K-2; and grades 3-5. We strive to make our lessons relevant and interactive. We want to help develop a child’s understanding of God and Jesus, and lead them toward a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior. Once they have made that decision, we want to foster their spiritual development by increasing their Biblical knowledge and leading them into a deeper relationship with Jesus. |
Calendar of Events
July 29-31: "LAVA LAVA LUAU" (VBS) Come join us for a great weekend of learning about God through Bible stories, interaction with some special characters, crafts and drama. Each night will focus on one Bible story with an emphasis on scripture memorization. We would like to have all children registered prior to the first night, so please register. Call Jackie Montgomery 205-887-7980, for additional information on VBS. |
How to get involved: Call Brenda Rickett, 205-310-7449